Imagine our surprise when an article titled, "The Shame of Alveda King" by Johnathan Capehart was published in the Washington Post on August 30, 2010. Alveda King appeared with Glenn Beck at his Restoring America rally in D.C. After the rally, Alveda King has become a target for her pro-life, pro-family and pro-marriage views by the biased media whose goal is to have a cultural revolution to reshape our world.
Just the fact that Alveda King is pro-life and pro-family sealed her fate with the media. Everyone on line seems to have weighed in vilifying her. Although both her father and uncle were murdered, she has continued their legacy by embracing non-violence and color blindness. Alveda recognizes that black genocide is real, just as her uncle Martin Luther King realized that only peaceful protests would solve racial hatred, a lesson our media has refused to cover.
Just digest the media coverage for a minute. Not only did they not report on the hundreds of thousands of average Americans, who at their own expense, traveled to Washington, D.C. to pray for our nation, but they covered the Al Sharpton counter event ad nauseum. Is this the man who mirrors Martin Luther King's dream? Al Sharpton has never spoken on black genocide, a major problem in the Afro-American community, but instead, uses divisive rhetoric, believes in abortion and promotes racial hatred toward Jewish people.
Alveda King has not used her relation to Dr. King for money or power. In fact, she has used it to try to change our country from a culture of death to a culture of life.
Time to Admit It: Trump Is a Great President. He’s Still Trying To Be a
Good One.
The most consequential presidents divided the nation—before “reuniting it
on a new level of understanding.”
58 minutes ago
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