Monday, August 23, 2010

Culture Shock

Our kids have been immersed in a culture of depravity for over 40 years now. In 1973 abortion on demand was made the law of the land. Immediately, media pundits jumped on the band-wagon, and our culture collapsed under the weight of this legalized killing and its' effects.  De-personalization occurred. The unborn were excluded from the human race and this exclusion was glorified in the pop culture, as a glorified freedom for women.  Pornography, once a fringe element of our society, now moved into our mainstream entertainment and advertising venue. The fringe element became the norm, and the family as we knew it, collapsed.
Remember Tipper Gore? Tipper, before her husband's climb up the political ladder in the Democratic party, worked for ratings on the music industry, in order to preserve the innocence of our young people. Pop-culture immediately responded. Frank Zappa, who has certainly changed our culture, was one of the first to respond with his hedonistic music. After which popular musicians began a diatribe, using their media of songs, to counter Tipper's attempt to rate their music. Furnace Face sang, "We Love You Tipper Gore". "Ode to Tipper Gore" followed. And perhaps the most offensive was " _ _ _ _ You Tipper Gore". Who won that culture war?  Certainly not Tipper. Music wasn't rated and Pandora's Box was opened.
This goes even deeper than a mere stand-off between moral and immoral, religious and non-religious people. This is a war between a modern civilization and an under-culture of barbaric Neanderthals, who would return us to a primitive, uncultured race. We have moved from a civilized society to a barbaric one where the likes of Lady Gaga now reign. Before this assault on a civilized society, even atheists would not have spoken or behaved in the manner we see today with the Pop music industry and culture. We are regressing as a society and a civilization. This should concern everyone.
Many primitive cultures had little restraint upon sexual morays, and would sacrifice firstborn girls, and kill off their aged parents, when they became a burden on the clan. This is the reality of what we are returning to as a society. Now, our modern unbridled sexual excess, which has led to abortion and euthanasia is turning us back to this primitive era, where individual life holds no intrinsic value. Today in our modern society, which is more and more mirroring these barbaric cultures of the past, suicide rates especially among young adolescents, is on the rise. Many believe this is because life has been cheapened by abortion and euthanasia. And isn't that true?


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