Has our culture been so desensitized to violence, not only through all major media and entertainment, but also by the blythe acceptance of abortion as a simple and harmless medical procedure? The violent and graphic depiction of a murder, as was seen in the famous movie Psycho, was just the beginning of a desenitization of our society to horrific violence. From there it has been a downhill spiral in our television and movies with scenes appealing to people's visceral appetites. This desenitization to violence paved the way for abortion on demand.
In 1973, abortion on demand became the law of the land, consigning an entire generation to a reality never experienced by their parents. This reality being one of such utter immersion in violence and murder and the dehuminization and utilitarian use of people, the pinacle of which is the ultimate dehumanization of the unborn via legalized abortion.
What are the ultimate effects of such an immersion in violence? When one person's life is of little value, how does this affect the value of other lives? Cloaking the act of killing an unborn child, with the word choice, furthers the denial of the humanity of the child in the woman.
In a recent report, a pregnant teenager was murdered by her boyfriend because she refused to abort his child. Did the dehumanization of the mother's child in her womb, ultimately lead to her own dehumanization by her boyfriend?
Time to Admit It: Trump Is a Great President. He’s Still Trying To Be a
Good One.
The most consequential presidents divided the nation—before “reuniting it
on a new level of understanding.”
50 minutes ago
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