Imagine, an Emmy Award for a positive portrayal of a serial killer? Imagine a positive portrayal of Richard Speck and John Wayne Gacey, or any other number of murderous serial killers?
Hollywood is at it again. Their elite glorified Al Pacino in his flattering portrayal of serial Killer Jack Kevorkian on an HBO documentary: "You Don't Know Jack". Well I believe I know Jack. And you should too. Here's some facts to ponder ...
Kevorkian was an unemployed pathologist, who was credited with killing more than 130 people in assisted suicides, before the state of Michigan made the practice illegal. His real claim to fame was the killing of Thomas Youk. This killing was actually televised on CBS. Kevorkian was convicted and went to prison for 8 years.
Wanna know the real deal on Jack? Jack's search for patients to euthanize began in 1987 with his advertising for "Special Death Counseling" in a newspaper classified section. This ultimately allowed him to prey on 130 weak and vulnerable victims. His murderous crusade then began on June 4, 1990 when he helped Janet Adkins, 54, of Oregon, commit suicide in his rusted, beat-up VW van.
Virtually overnight, sympathetic members of the media (are we surprised?), turned Kevorkian into a world-wide celebrity; a real modern day hero. Please take a minute and ask yourself, does Al Pacino deserve an Emmy for positively portraying a convicted serial killer? Ask another question. Is the media any different today, in its coverage of serial killer Kevorkian, than it was when he began his murderous rampage?
One thing we all have to realize, is that the media is promoting euthanasia. All social engineering is preceded by verbal engineering. Jack loves the media and the media loves Jack. During his acceptance speech, Pacino praised Kevorkian, stating, "It's really an honor to have had the pleasure to try to portray someone as brilliant and interesting and unique as Jack Kevorkian, and the fun I had trying to get inside his head, which of course I could never." Pacino was ready to lobby the audience and viewers in favor of "You Don't Know Jack" and the man whose views are soundly denounced by the pro-life movement.
One thing is for sure; the media has an agenda. One which is at odds with a reverence for life. It wants total autonomy for everyone. It is unrelenting in its humanistic, utilitarian pursuits. Beware turning on your TV.
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43 minutes ago
No, no, no. It doesn't want total autonomy for everyone. Not in the end. The state will become the legislator for end-of-life matters for those who are not "protected". If you receive benefits from the government you will also receive their "advice" about how much in benefits you will receive until they begin "counseling" you about "the dignity of dying"...
The government will take over our autonomy. But, till then the media is getting us used to the idea of "death with dignity" by pushing the idea for our own personal choice. From there the government taking over for us, will be just around the corner. Early in the euthanasia movement the goal was total autonomy. This is how living wills came to be, and look where it's led. People who know nothing about medicine are making decisions before events happen on whether they will live or die.
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