Friday, February 5, 2016

Crash the Super Bowl


Will “Ultrasound” be aired on Super Bowl Sunday?

By Dave Andrusko
DoritosUltrasound16  Remember how we posted about a life-affirming  Doritos ad that could  air on Super Bowl Sunday.
What I didn’t realize, but should have, is that we won’t know if “Ultrasound” is the winner until three days from now. No advance knowledge.
I do know that a great many people voted on line for one or the other of the three finalists. I trust that our encouragement to participate convinced a lot of you to take the time.
If you go to here, you can see the 30 second spot. A very pregnant mom is watching her baby (about to be born any day) on the ultrasound. The dad is chewing away on his bag of Doritos.
A less than happy mom voices her displeasure at what appears to be fatherly indifference.  Meanwhile you see the baby on the ultrasound reaching for the Doritos chip. Baby and dad play a game of reaching forth and pulling back, which causes the mom to toss one of the chips.
The camera flashes to the ultrasound image. We see the baby disappear–as in he/she is exiting to find that chip!
Mom yells, dad yells, ultrasound technician yells. Cute.
The ad is the brainstorm of Peter Carstairs from Perth, Australia. We learn the inspiration for the ad from the website.
Peter recently had his second child, Freddy, who’s now nine months old. When he was with his wife getting an ultrasound during the pregnancy, an idea popped into his head – wouldn’t it be funny to have a little fun in the hospital room, where everyone is supposed to remain poised, calm and collected. The baby in the ultrasound image is Freddy himself – of course with the help of a little camera magic.
This is the tenth (and final) year for Doritos’s “Crash the Super Bowl” campaign in which fans submit home-made commercials. The winner not only receives a million dollars, they “will collaborate with Zack Snyder, director of the upcoming movie “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice,” starring Ben Affleck,” according to CNN. “The other two finalists will each win $100,000.”
A FYI to all you creative pro-life types.
“The Frito-Lay brand is looking for the best message, the best photo and the best video posted during the Super Bowl 50 game on Sunday,” according to Tech Times.
“Those entering the contest have between 12 p.m. Pacific time and the final whistle of the game to post their cleverest entries using the hashtags #Doritos and #entry.”
There will be a “$50,000 prize for each of three winning tweets — one text-only, one photo and one video — on Super Bowl Sunday.”

Source: NRLC News

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