Monday, May 18, 2009

Who is Father Jenkins

Will the real Father Jenkins please stand up. Father Jenkins' flamboyant and theatrical, passionate introduction of President Obama, certainly is in accord with recent developments, which show that the president of Notre Dame University, the same Father Jenkins, is on the Millennium Board of Directors. What is the Millennium Promise and what are it's goals? 

1.) Eradicate extreme hunger and poverty.
2.) Achieve universal primary education.
3.) Promote gender equality and empower women.
4.) Reduce child mortality.
5.) Improve maternal health.
6.) Combat HIV, AIDS, Malaria and other diseases.
7.) Ensure environmental sustainability.
8.) Develop a global partnership for development.

The Millennium Promise works to raise funds from the private sector for Millennium Villages, a group working with underprivileged African villages. The Millennium Village handbook explains, that family  planning and contraception services are critical to allow women to choose family size and birth spacing, to combat sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV and contribute to the reduction of maternal morbidity and mortality. These services include, counseling, male and female condoms, pharmacological contraceptives, including oral, transdermal, intromuscular and implanted methods, and IUD's. They encourage safe abortions, in countrys where abortion is legal. The handbook further reads: "However, in instances, where no district center or alternate post for safe abortion practises is accessible, abortion services can be offered at the village level, provided that sufficient surgical capacity exists." I believe that could be interpretted as the witch doctor's tent.

If Notre Dame's Father Jenkins supports a program to reduce poverty by eliminating human beings, I think he's outside the teachings of the Church. No Catholic should take a leadership role contrary to Church teaching. Why is Father Jenkins still President of Notre Dame? I guess that's a question you'd have to ask the Holy Cross Order, to which Father Jenkins belongs. This order works extensively in Africa, and may have had some problems recently. 

If you don't believe us, please visit the website of Millennium Promise where Father Jenkin's membership is published. Perhaps the next recipient of Internation Planned Parenthood's Award, following Hillary Clinton, will be Father Jenkins.  Watch the Planned Parenthood news.

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