Friday, May 8, 2009

Broad Sexual Rights

In commemoration of the 15th anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (Cairo), the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) recently launched a new petition campaign that aims to pressure governments to promote, protect and fulfill their promise to provide better access to sexual and reproductive health services for all young people regardless of age.  

The petition promotes the message Count Me In:  Sexual Rights For All.  IPPF does not really care about the health of youth.  They only care about money and exploitation.  It's true they will use their might to pressure governments to increase broad based comprehensive sex education programs, but it will not be because they are concerned about youth.  The results are clear to anyone who has eyes to see, governments will increase funding for diseases that have occurred from their endorsement of "free sex."

Just as they use linguistics to hide the fact that "reproductive health" is a buzz word for abortion on demand, IPPF will be using other buzz words to hide the real motive behind comprehensive sex education.  More to follow. 

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