Friday, May 1, 2009

What Will Obama Do?

Reports are circulating that Supreme Court Justice David Souter has informed the White House he will retire effective at the close of this session.  A loss to the pro-life movement - no.  Justice Souter is one of the most pro-abortion members of the United States Supreme Court.  A few cases to mention - He voted to uphold abortion on demand and to strike down any common sense regulations that most Americans support.

In 2002, and in again in 2007, he voted to strike down any prohibitions on the barbaric practice of partial-birth abortion.  Most decisions on abortion have been 5 to 4 lately, so his presence on the Court has extended the tragedy of abortion.  

Now it's Obama's turn.  Will he select a Justice who believes social activism outweighs the Constitution?  President Obama has expressed a public commitment for reducing abortions, but has surrounded himself with a Cabinet and appointments to key governmental posts who actively support and promote abortion on demand.  

With the retirement of David Souter the ball is in the Senate.  The Senate must confirm any presidential appointment to the Court.  The question one must ask the senators is will they uphold their duty to question a nominee on their judicial philosophy?      

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