Monday, May 11, 2009

Supreme Court

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg recently told law students, women justices bring life experiences that men can't. Really, Justice Ginsburg? What would those experiences be? Could it be that women can have babies, and men can't? Could it be, that adding a woman to the Supreme Court would help ensure that women's so called rights are protected? Could it be Justice Ginsburg, that you are subtly, or perhaps not so subtly, telling the president that a female appointee to the Supreme Court is needed, now, as never before?

Everyone knows, by now, that Justice David Souter is retiring from the Supreme Court at the end of this term. I suspect, Emily's List in the National Abortion Right League (NARAL) are working overtime to convince President Obama to appoint a pro-abortion female to the Supreme Court vacancy. In fact, Emily's List has a petition to, "urge President Obama to appoint a woman to the Supreme Court."

Justice Ginsburg says, the rights of women to protect and make decisions about their reproductive health are under constant attack. With our country - and our rights at stake, we urge President Obama to select a pro-choice woman.

It appears that only a pro-choice woman can interpret the Constitution and remain objective. I think otherwise. I think the Constitution needs to be interpreted without penumbras. After all, it was a penumbra that brought us Roe v Wade.

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