Approximately 50 people held a peaceful demonstration for Life in front of Representative Ryg's office on May 9th 2009. No matter what side of the aisle you're on in abortion, her sponsorship of the Illinois Freedom of Choice Act, HB 2354. This bill is known under several names including "Reproductive Health and Access Act".
In spite of constituent pressure, including visits to her office, both in Springfield and Vernon Hills, Representative Ryg remained a co-sponsor. If passed, this bill would have done the following: 1.) Eliminated the conscience clause for hospitals and health care workers. 2.) It would have eliminated parental notice or consent. 3.) It would have mandated taxpayer funding of abortion. 4.) It would have allowed partial-birth abortion. 5.) It would have mandated a comprehensive state sex education program in public schools for all grades. In other words, it would have removed any and all restrictions on abortion.
Representative Ryg added insult to injury, when in a letter to her constituents, she cited Catholics for a Free Choice, as a reference for her decision to promote this radical bill. Representative Ryg is a Catholic and knows Church teaching. Her sponsorship of this radical bill and her promise to her constituents in the following letter, which stated: "The supporters of HB 2354 met to review the Reproductive Healthcare Access Act. We agreed that additional clarifications are needed to reflect what the bill does and does not do. We agreed also, that the bill will not be called for a vote in its' present form. Your responses have helped me and my colleagues understand where the language is vague, leading to confusion, and/or misunderstanding. We do not wish to be misleading and will continue to monitor the discussions between the proponents and opponents as an amendment is prepared."
Representative Ryg needs to change her views. No matter what side of the aisle you're on, nobody but the most radical wanted this bill. Listen to your constituents.
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