Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Pope Is Right

During his recent visit to Africa, Pope Benedict XVI, stated that condoms might be part of the problem, rather than the solution to the AIDS crisis. The Harvard Center for Population and Development studies noted: "There seems to be no evidence from sub-Saharan Africa, certainly not in the five countries of present focus, that condom behavior alone can reverse the course of an HIV epidemic."  The document further adds: "If primary behavior change, along with condom use, is essential for national level decrease in HIV infection rates, then the question of how these behaviors are successfully promoted becomes very important. Especially since there has been relatively little promotion of primary behavior change." 

Present day Papal visit to Africa, Dr. Green, a liberal, stated: "The criticism of the pope on the use of condoms to prevent HIV infection is unfair, because the best evidence we have support his comments." Dr. Green also stated that studies show that HIV rates tend to go up, not down, where condoms are readily available. 


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