Friday, March 20, 2009

Tribune Poll

A March 20th Tribune poll asks the question: "Do people suffering from intolerable conditions have a right to die?" Horrors! The poll shows 85.3% of the 3,805 people polled say yes!
Perhaps they don't know that Oregon legalized "physician assisted suicide" by referendum years ago. Depression is considered a reason to die in Oregon. Depression is a treatable disease. We don't have to kill people before we treat their depression. This is a very slippery slope.

The definition of intolerable ... what is it? It could be defined by a teenager as a broken romance, by a toddler their refusal to toilet train, by the loss of a job .. etc. etc.  Who defines intolerable?
This definition might also include people who live with monkeys. They shouldn't have friends over. It might be intolerable as well as dangerous to those friends. Especially if they get the monkey pox. Would that be a reason to kill yourself?

On a more serious note. This poll should be responded to by everyone reading. The Euthanasia movement is making it's move in Illinois. A great man once said, all social engineering is preceded by verbal engineering. There is a lot of verbal engineering, especially in Illinois.

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