Friday, March 20, 2009

Final Exit

Final Exit is a book written by Derek Humphrey, founder of "The Hemlock Society". The book was at the top of the best seller list. The author Derek Humphrey

1.) killed his first wife with a legal overdose, when she had cancer. He had two pillows handy
     to smother her if the poison didn't do the job.
2.) Threatened his second wife, Ann Humphrey and is accused of trying to force her into suicide
     when she developed cancer. (In 1991 Ann Humphrey killed herself. Her suicide note said, 
     she was driven to kill herself by her husband).
3.) Said the ill person owes it to other persons to behave properly. (kill yourself) 
4.) Killed his elderly relatives. 
5.) He killed his first wife.
6.) His book, Final Exit, is a how to kill manual-one of his goals is to turn every medical
     degree into a licence to kill.

The book Final Exit

1.) Gives step by step instructions for suicide to anyone who buys or borrows the book.
2.) Offers explicit directions to anyone wanting to kill someone else, and avoid detection.
3.) Quote: "It tells you how, where and when to kill yourself or someone else. It breaks the
     last taboo. Follow my instructions for a perfect death, with no mess, no autopsy, no
     post-mortem. This is the final guide." Derek Humphrey, Sunday Express 7/28/91
4.) Says "why not have a trial run?" By practicing how to put a plastic bag over the head
     and secure it with rubber bands. (p. 98-99) 
5.) Calls double suicide "a tribute to the strength of a loving relationship" (p. 101) (does this
     sound like Hitler and Eva Braum.
6.) Says legalizing euthanasia will be a way of handling the dilemma of "terminal old age". 

The Hemlock Society evolved into Compassion & Choice. This is the leading euthanasia promoting organization today. But remember history and Hemlock, who backed Jack Kevorkian, wrote the book Final Exit and was instrumental in the Oregon decision to legalize euthanasia, was just the beginning of an uphill battle to normalize euthanasia into our culture. Euthanasia is a life issue, no different from abortion. Only the geography has changed, from the womb to the old people's homes and everything in between.


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