Monday, March 30, 2009

Fetal Farming

All social engineering is preceded by verbal engineering. The embryonic stem cell debate cloaks the deeper issue, which is cloning, cloning for the purposes of organ farming. Far fetched you say? Remember the movie, "The Boys From Brazil"? Hitler was cloned in this movie, made many years ago. This is a recommended movie, not only because Gregory Peck was the star, but because the movie's theme being science fiction at the time, is now a science reality. 

Organ donation is totally accepted by most of American society. Even though the idea that the donor isn't dead, just dead enough, has pervaded society and the absolute moral idea of, never kill even if good will come of it (we are not talking about justified war) has been accepted. The idea of cloning an embryo and then experimenting, is the next step. The idea that killing the embryo after medical experimentation is over will probably be widely, if not now, accepted.

Think this is impossible? Think again. It's already been done. In the late sixties, there were a series of experiments on living fetuses. These experiments were stopped because Congress responded to public outrage and pressure. However we've come a long way from the sixties both in morals and science. Congress will soon debate the Dickey amendment. If this amendment is revoked, federal funding for the creation and destruction of embryos for research will be allowed. Secular medicine and the secular bioethics movement know this time is coming. Personhood, rather than humanhood is what counts with them. 

Cures, cures, cures, coming from embryos and clones. This is what will pervade medicine. Congress, having eliminated the Dickey amendment, will eliminate the prohibition against living fetal experiments, once human cloning is perfected and an artificial uterus devised. This artificial uterus would allow scientist to experiments on developing human life. What will their justification be? The same as what is being used today in the embryonic stem cell debate.  "We're going to throw them out anyway!, So what's the harm? They aren't persons, so we shouldn't be morally bothered."
Think we're crazy? Please read "A Jealous God: Science's Crusade Against Religion" by Pamela Winnick - Lest you think it's a religious attack on science, she is a self described secular Jew, who sees science attacking the very concept of intrinsic human dignity.  

This is a must read!

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