Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Media Mess Up

Do we really think journalism is accurate? I suppose it depends on whose lie they are covering or covering up. The stem-cell research debate certainly has been covered by every major journalistic coverage known to man. However, not much truth has emerged in the major networks. The entire issue of killing has been separated by choice and good will. The issue remains the same. Is it ever justified to kill someone even if it will benefit someone else? Theology would say, never do evil, even if good will come of it. Medicine has always, in the past, adhered to 'Do No Harm". Hypocrates separated medicine in the year 500 BC from killing to healing. Now enter an Obama presidency, and his recent embryonic stem cell executive order. 

Let's take one confusing stem-cell argument; combining reproductive cloning with research cloning. There are two types of cloning; reproductive cloning, and research cloning. Reproductive cloning is used to describe when a human clone is implanted and delivered as a full term pregnancy. Research or therapeutic cloning have been the terms used for other types of cloning. In this, a human embryo is cloned and experimented upon in his or her first weeks of life, and then killed. 

Poles show the vast majority of Americans disapprove of both types of cloning. Eighty-six percent of Americans poled, said human cloning was morally wrong. 

Many media outlets noted, President Obama condemned cloning, saying: "And we will ensure that our government never opens the door to the use of cloning for human reproduction. It is dangerous, profoundly wrong, and has no place in our society, or any society." Amazing! Have you figured it out? Obama's careful wording is similar to the misleading language used in last year's Human Cloning Ban and Stem Cell Research Protection Act, sponsored by Senator Diane Feinstein. This Bill doesn't close the door on cloning. It simply redefines cloning so that only reproductive cloning counts, and research cloning becomes referred to as "nuclear transplantation research". Deceptive? You bet. What's next? Maybe robots, maybe clones. Certainly moral values are challenged.    

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