Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Here come the robots! Here comes the judge! Here comes President Obama and his clones. The President's order lifting the ban on funding for embryonic stem cell research (ESCR) opens the door for cloning. This places us on a very slippery slope. Researchers are already demanding Federal support for research, in which human embryos would be created for the specific purpose of research through human cloning and other methods. Nothing in the President's remarks limits the National Institute of Health (NIH) to the use of surplus embryos created in IVF clinics.

President Obama also issued a second directive which gave an absolute free-hand to science. His order instructed NIH to develop strict guidelines to govern embryonic research. These so-called strict guidelines are really merely procedural requirements.

New Jersey has already legalized cloned fetal farming. It won't be long before they legalize clones to help them with farming, no doubt.

With his executive order the door for human cloning has been opened. Just like Pandora's Box we are not sure what will fly out.

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