Friday, March 20, 2009

Teen Pregnancies Rise

The Center For Disease Control And Prevention (CDC) released data on March 18, 2009, the 2007 data, reporting the numbers of teen births. No surprise here. Teen births are at a record high. Beverly LaHaye stated: "When over two thirds of public schools (68%) teach comprehensive sex-education, why are we surprised?" 

Comprehensive sex-education is included in the Illinois FOCA Bill. The Bill mandates every public school in the state to offer a comprehensive sex-education program. No longer would local school districts be able to determine their curriculums. Every kindergartner in the state would have to take a form of sex-education, deemed appropriate for their age level, (as would be determined by un-elected state bureaucrats). One comprehensive sex-education curriculum in use, includes condom training for 9 yr. olds.

I think the number of teen pregnancies is directly correlated to comprehensive sex-education. Our children are immersed in a culture of sex obsession. Every movie, music, advertisement, all arts and entertainment is saturated with sex.  And now mandated to be taught in the classroom too? I wonder what next year's statistics will show?

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