Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Fetal Farms & Other Stuff

"Bait and Switch" may be in the works at the federal level. Watch the Obama administration for the following stem-cell research legislation. 1.) The NIH (National Institute of Health) will be given broad authority to fund research that will use, not only left over human embryos, but also create for research new human embryos, including embryos created by cloning. 2.) This may be coupled with a clone and kill provision, which will be labeled as a "ban on human cloning" but, actually define human cloning in a manner that allows the mass creation of human embryos by cloning for the purpose of using them in research that will kill them. The pro-cloning side hopes the smuggle through these radical policy changes, on this authorization (funding) legislation and then gut or repeal the Dickey-Wicker amendment. This amendment prohibits funding from the Health & Human Service Appropriations for cloning. 

 Present legislation prevents human cloning by the Dickey-Wicker amendment. This amendment is a funding amendment. In other words, no funds can be used while the amendment is active. By shifting to the National Institute of Health (NIH), they are "bait & switching" funding, as well as ethics and morals. Once NIH is given the broad authority, it will be relatively easy to gut or repeal Dickey-Wicker.  

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