Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Demeaning Motherhood

Do you think calling Nadya Suleman Octomom is demeaning? I believe it is. Regardless of our personal opinions of her motives, judgment or morals, the fact is she is a mother. She refused selective abortion and instead chose life for all her babies. I think in this liberal abortion minded culture, motherhood does not need to be demeaned. It has already been compromised by the 1.5 million abortions a year.  

I think people are upset because perhaps these babies will need a great deal of expensive medical treatment. I think she's been exploited by the media. No doubt she has some emotional problems of her own. But don't we all. If society continues to demean a segment of it's population, what will society become? The hard core fact is that all 8 babies are alive and deserve our prayers and support.

Motherhood  is a profession. The most important profession our society has. These babies will grow up and face a world that has rejected their very being. I think it's time we stop calling Nadya octomom and begin calling her by her first name. It is easier to demean an octomom than Nadya. 

Whose more sick? Octomom? Nadya? Or our society that dehumanizes?    

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