Friday, March 13, 2009

Same -Sex Marriage

Although we are a single issue organization, a word here has to be promoted to defend traditional marriage. Many of us feel it is a life issue. And if truth were to be known, it is a life issue because no life can come from any other so-called marriage. 

Promoters of same-sex marriage use linguistic gymnastics to promote an evil practice. The consciences of many Americans are asleep. Moral values have all gone into the gray column. There is no black and white for many people. This absence of the ability to reason or use critical thinking has decreased in proportion to the abolishment of moral absolutes.  

First blatant sex ed, which broke down the latency period which protected children. An acceptance by parents and the churches that sex ed was protective and good for their children, followed by Planned Parenthood becoming the parent in sex ed. This led to the break down of the family. The rest is history. Civil unions, portrayed as a good, were accepted by society. Now same-sex marriage is close to being legalized in many states through the legislature. And if that fails the courts are there ...

Illinois Same-Sex Marriage Bill HB 2234, winged it's way out of committee and is on second reading in the House of Reps.

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