Abortion facilities have history of lying to women about fetal development
One post-abortive woman identified as Sue recalls:
The doctor said: “Don’t worry, it’s not formed till after 12 weeks.” Then I saw the Human Body program [on the ABC]. I would not have gone ahead if I’d been told the truth about the formation of the baby.”(1)
Below is a picture of an ultrasound of a preborn baby at just 10 weeks in the womb.
Another woman was told that her baby at 3 months was “just a clump of cells.” When she found out the truth, it inspired her to do an experiment:
Then LA Times also ran an article where a reporter visiting an abortion facility actually caught a “counselor” lying to a woman. The article quoted the facility worker saying to a woman who was 5 weeks pregnant:When I saw that a 3-month-old “clump of cells” had fingers and toes and was a tiny, perfectly formed baby, I became really hysterical.I’ve been lied to and misled, and I’m sure thousands of other women are being just as poorly informed and badly served. To prove it, John [her husband] and I visited most every clinic in Cleveland. I pretended I was pregnant and asked for guidance.What we heard was incredible. One counselor told us the fetus did not begin to resemble a human being until 7 months, another said 5 months, and so it went. (2)
It’s completely formed about nine weeks. Yours is more like a chicken yolk.*(3)At 5 weeks, a preborn baby’s heart is beating. You can see a video capturing it here in a baby that is only 4 ½ weeks old.
The 5-week baby has the beginning of limbs, a brain that is divided into 2 hemispheres, and a circulatory system.
While a 5 week–old preborn baby still has a lot of development, he or she is definitely not “a chicken yolk.”
Another observer at an abortion facility, Peter Korn, caught the following conversation between an abortion facility worker and a woman named Peggy, who was ambivalent about getting an abortion. Peggy asks:
In reality, the fact that a fetal heart starts beating roughly 3 weeks after conception has been established science since 1961. There is no disagreement in the medical community as to when the baby’s heart starts beating.“Is it true that at six weeks it has a heartbeat?”[The counselor] says nobody is sure exactly when the heart begins beating, and tries to deflect that concern. (4)
Former abortion facility workers have also admitted lying to women. For example, Kathie Sparks said:
Abortionist Alberto Hodari, in a speech at Wayne University, claimed that abortionists had “a license to lie” to patients. Students for Life has a recording (Hodari begins talking about lying at about 1:17):Sometimes we lied. A girl might ask what her baby was like at a certain point in the pregnancy: Was it a baby yet? Even as early as 12 weeks a baby is totally formed, he has fingerprints, turns his head… But we would say ‘It’s not a baby yet. It’s just tissue, like a clot. (5)
Clinicquotes has many more examples in its section on Abortion Counseling.
Live Action also has examples of clinic workers and abortionists lying in undercover videos. In these 3 videos, clinic workers give blatantly false information to women posing as pregnant patients trying to decide whether to have an abortion:
- Melinda Tankard Reist Giving Sorrow Words: Women’s Stories of Grief after Abortion (Springfield, IL: Acorn Books, 2007) 180
- David C Reardon Aborted Women: Silent No More (Westchester, Illinois: Crossway books, 1987) 250
- Offering Abortion, Rebirth” Los Angeles Times Nov 11, 2005
- Peter Korn. Lovejoy: A Year in the Life of an Abortion Clinic (New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1996) 25
- Gloria Williamson “The Conversion of Kathy Sparks” Christian Herald January 1986 , 28
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