Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Vaccines From Aborted Babies?

Oh My Gosh!  Now they're taking vaccines from aborted babies? And it's possible that there might be problems? Hard to believe, that killing, doesn't produce problems. Here's the latest ..

Some child vaccinations are derived from aborted babies. In certain denominations, this has produced a dilemma. The dilemma is, should a baby be vaccinated with a vaccine, that has been obtained from an aborted baby?

There are two general principles to consider. First, it is gravely immoral for researchers, to conduct experiments on living embryos, because eventually they will be killed, by the experiment. Secondly, researchers are under the obligation to avoid cooperation in evil and scandal, that relates to their professional activities.  

Many parents have become upset knowing, that their children had received some of the vaccines obtained, from the cell lines of aborted babies. This has caused the Catholic Church, to issue the following:  
1.)   There's a grave responsibility to use alternative vaccines.
2.)   If there is no alternative, there must be effort to find an alternative source.
3.)   It would be passive material cooperation, due to the necessity, to provide for the good of one's child. This means, that danger to the health of children, could permit a parent, to use a vaccine, which was developed using cell lines from aborted babies. This places a moral decision in the hands of the parent. The parent is obligated to look at the situation carefully, and evaluate, whether or not their child and society at large, would be in danger, by not using the aborted fetal vaccine. 
4.)   The conscience of the parent must decide whether or not this vaccine should be used for their child. 

The vaccines we are discussing have been developed from aborted baby cell lines. These were aborted in 1964 and 70. The first, a girl, was aborted because the family felt they had too many children. While the second, a boy, was aborted for psychiatric reasons. The vaccines we are talking about are the rubella, which are by name, Meruavax, Rudivax and Erevax. The combined vaccine MR against rubella and measles, is named, M-R-VAX, and Rudi-Rouvax.  The combined vaccine against rubella and mumps, is called Viavax. The combined vaccine MMR (Measles, Mumps & Rubella) M-M-R II. Other vaccines, also prepared using human cell lines from aborted babies are... two vaccines against Hepatitis A, one vaccine against chicken pox, one vaccine against polio, one vaccine against rabies and one vaccine against small pox.    

The moral of this story .. parents beware. 

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