Friday, July 10, 2009


According to Wesley Smith, it's never about the leftover embryos, it's always been about cloning. 

In a new article,Wesley Smith wrote, that the leftover embryos debate isn't really about leftover embryos due to be destroyed anyway. That was just a pretext intended to desensitize people to the idea, that human life, including embryos, can be treated, as nothing more than a corn crop. The real goal is human cloning, first for stem cells and later for use in genetic engineering experiments, fetal farming, and eventually, reproductive cloning.

Irving Weissman, Stanford University Scientist, is upset that the new NIH guidelines won't fund human cloning research. "In terms of extending the classic embryonic stem-cell lines, that can be used with federal funding, this is an important step forward. However, the policy banning funding of other stem-cell lines, produced by transferring the genetic material from a patient to an egg, is a terrible disappointment."

WOW!   This is an ethics debate. Under the law, the Dickey-Wicker  Amendment, which, with the Bush funding restrictions, now dead and buried, is the next target of Bio-Med and the Congress. Dickey-Wicker is about funding. Remove the Dickey-Wicker Amendment and what will we fund next?

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