Friday, July 3, 2009

Thirty Pieces of Silver

Doug Kmiec, Professor of Law, at Peperdine University and former Dean of Catholic University School of Law, will soon be the United States Ambassador for the Catholic Nation of Malta.
Horrors! Dr. Kmiec supported the candidacy of President Barack Obama. Not only did he support the candidacy, but he has continued to defend the president and the new administration, with some highly controversial appointments, since the election.
Why are we concerned? Because, we believe, the right to life is not some single issue. It is the entire framework, within which, we are called to help build a just society. Dr. Kmiec is over qualified and extremely intelligent, however he is wrong, as a Catholic, to support a pro-abortion candidate.
Malta, a great example of the Catholic Faith, is the home of the Knights of Malta. The Knights of Malta, are champions of the Catholic Church, whose goal is to defend the Catholic Faith. Perhaps Malta will rub off on Professor Kmiec. Let's pray it does.

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