Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Is He A Czar or a Tzar?

What a surprise! John Holdren is Barack Obama's "science czar'. In 1977 Holdren  co-authored a 1,000 book, "Ecoscience" with Paul and Anne Ehrlich. The book included several descriptions of possible population control measures, including the addition of "sterilants" to the water supply to prevent human conception.  

The Ehrlichs said they had been "shocked" at what they called the "serious misrepresentation" of their and Holdren's views.

"We were not then, never have been, and are not now 'advocates' of the Draconian measures for population limitation described - but not recommended - in the book's 60-plus small-type pages cataloging the full spectrum of population policies that, at the time, had either been tried in some country or analyzed by some commentator."

Paul Ehrlich was the author of the 1968 bestselling book The Population Bomb, which predicted that massive famines in the 1970's would kill "hundreds of millions." including Americans.

Does a tiger change it's stripes?  I don't think so. Time will tell.

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