Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Healthcare Costs

Facts, you may not have heard, on the coming Healthcare Bill.  Did you know;  1.) The Congressional Budget Office (CBO), estimated the cost of the Senate Democratic Health Care bill: $1.6 Trillion. In 2006 Canada's cost was $1.2 Trillion for their Gross Domestic Product (GPD).  2.) In terms of lives lost, the CBO knows, that the percentage of American women, that survived cancer, is 63%. The percent of women, in the European Union (EU) that survived cancer, was 56%. 3.) Percent of American men, that survived cancer, 68% and percent of EU men, that survived cancer, 47%. 4.) Cost of health insurance in New Jersey, presently without lawsuit reform, 5,326 each, cost of health insurance in California, with lawsuit reform, 2,565.  5.) US Census count of people uninsured, 49 million. Of this number counted, who are illegal aliens, 9.5 million. Number counted, who are only temporarily uninsured, 19 million. Number counted, who make more than most Americans (+75,000). Number of American citizens, with low income, lacking insurance for more than one year, 10.5 million.   

Americans receive a new hip within 6 months. 
The British receiving a hip, up to 2 years.                                                                                                                                       The difference in these two, is England has National Health.  United States has privately insured.  

In order to reduce costs, and to pay 1.6 Trillion dollars a year, to insure Americans, there will have to be rationing of healthcare. Also, Futile Care Protocols, will be put into place. America has always defended the defenseless. Those whose lives are at risk, are defenseless, but will be the first eliminated. Also, as you can see from the above statistics, treatment produces a lengthy life span. Non-treatment produces death. This is one way, the government understands, is a good cost cutting measure.

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