Friday, November 13, 2015



James’ Story: adopted instead of a victim of a forced abortion

Editor’s note: November is Adoption Awareness Month. The following appears in the Missouri Right to Life Newsletter. As is explained in the introduction, “In thankfulness for their gift, a Missouri Right to Life member shares her special story.”
adoptionday2On September 19, 2014, our James celebrated his second birthday. This little boy was to be a victim of forced abortion, but God intervened and brought him into our family.
Our daughter and son-in-law were introduced to a young Chinese student at the local university. She was pregnant by her Chinese boyfriend. They were to be married, but he left her.
This young woman’s father and her former boyfriend joined together to force her to abort the baby.
Through a woman who ministered to foreign students at the university, she was directed to a local pregnancy care center, and she decided to carry the baby to term. Fearful of her former boyfriend, she came to stay with our daughter.
After a few months of living in their home, she approached our daughter and son-in-law about adopting her baby. The legal work was accomplished, and on September 19th they found themselves in a hospital room next to the delivery room awaiting the birth of James.
Just a few minutes old, James came into our lives. I know that I am a little biased, but he is such a sweet, precious little boy, with dimples and a laugh that is infectious. His adoption is finalized — he is ours!
His birth mother is pursuing her graduate degree and attends church with our daughter and her family, including James of course. She visits him occasionally.
James has welcomed a big sister, also Chinese, adopted from an orphanage in China. She is a year older, and she calls him “baby.” I’m not sure that this will be appreciated as he gets older! What an amazing family. Yes, there are challenges, but the joys surely outweigh these.
We can’t imagine our lives without these two wonderful kids. We are so blessed to be able to watch and participate in their future lives, marveling as they grow to be what God has planned for them.
Surely this is a call to all of us to open our hearts and our homes to those that would have been killed in an abortion clinic.
Adoption is a better, and wonderful, option!

Source: NRLC News

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