Wednesday, March 13, 2013

What Name Do You Give This Child? Rest in Peace Madison Leigh

For Christian parents seeking Baptism from the Church for their infants, one of the questions asked of them by the priest or minister will be, “what name do you give this child?”

The name Jennifer Morbelli of Maryland gave to her child was Madison Leigh. Jennifer is the 29-year-old kindergarten teacher who died from the 33-week botched abortion of Madison on February 7th.

Jennifer and her husband were expecting their first child, when in her 31st week of pregnancy, they received news that little Madison suffered from an apparent seizure syndrome, which led Jennifer to seek an abortion to end Madison's life. 

It is a well know tactic of pro-abortion activists to dehumanize the infant in the womb with terms such as fetus etc. This facilitates a mother being more easily able to disconnect from the child she is killing.  After all – if it’s not a baby – it’s not a life – it’s not a human being – it’s just a nameless blob of pregnancy tissue – so what’s the problem in destroying it?

Nameless?   I wonder how many other aborted infants were given names before their lives were terminated?  We always assume that the woman who aborts her infant has not really bonded with it – has not visualized it – certainly not named it.  Here is one instance where news reports actually revealed the name given to the aborted child before the decision to end its life.

People give names to many things - their pets and in some cases even inanimate objects such as cars. This denotes a certain special relationship between them and the named.  I recall, as a child, an old Packard car (for those of you old enough to remember what make of car that is), which my parents named Fee Fee, a French women’s name.  During wartime, pilots named their airplanes and soldiers put names on their tanks etc.  

Giving names is unique to human beings ever since God told Adam to name each animal in the Garden of Eden – and ultimately he named his significant other – woman – because she was "bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh".  A name is so special in fact, that the ancient Hebrews were not allowed to speak of or even know the name of God – who simply told Moses,  “I Am Who Am”.   

How far have we come when a woman can actually name her child, then kill it? Apparently there is no more need for pro-abortion dehumanizing tactics to make it easier for women to abort their children. 

A rose by any other name is still a rose, Shakespeare wrote. And yet to be given a name is a very special acknowledgement of one’s worth.  How could a woman give her child a name, then turn around and kill it?

Unfortunately for Madison’s mother, the killing of her child signaled the end of her own life, and one day later she followed her little baby to the grave. But Jennifer Morbelli will be given a funeral by her husband and family to mourn as well as celebrate her life, along with a special grave marker engraved with her own name – while Madison’s little body is somewhere in the abortion waste bin and Madison’s name engraved nowhere – except … 

In the Bible we read in Isaiah 43:1 “I have called you by your name and you are mine”.    

 Rest in peace little Madison –  He has called you by your name and you are His.


1 comment:

Cecilia said...

I suspect the doctor who diagnosed the baby's seizure disorder put a lot of pressure on Jennifer to have an abortion. How long it took, and how much pressure it took, to get Jennifer to cave and submit to an abortion, we will never know. In any event, whoever pressured her to abort has a hand in her death, since she'd be alive if she hadn't aborted.