Friday, March 8, 2013

Can't Read but...

Advocacy Witness and Education

          Chicago Schools Will Require
            Sex-Ed for Kindergarteners

No - your eyes do not deceive you! reports that a new policy has been created, in part, with the consultation of - none other than - Planned Parenthood of Illinois, which will require Chicago Public School students from kindergarten and up to receive sexual health education.

According to the Chicago Public Schools website, the new policy passed last week, requires "minimum instructional minutes" for students (define minimal)
and instructional material tailored around age-appropriateness (who determines this age appropriateness?) along with "medically accurate information" (whose criteria of medically information?)

Chicago Public Schools CEO Barbara Byrd-Bennett made the statement; "It is important that we provide students of all ages with accurate and appropriate (there's that word again)
information so they can make healthy choices in regards to their social interactions, behaviors, and relationships." (Well that certainly opens a Pandora's Box of possibilities doesn't it?)

Ms. Byrd-Bennett continued, "By implementing a new sexual health education policy, we will be helping them to build a foundation of knowledge that can guide them not just in the pre-adolescent and adolescent years, but throughout their lives."   (What type of "foundation and knowledge is Ms. Byrd-Bennett talking about here - and who decides the appropriateness of said information?)

Well - according to the Chicago Public Schools website, the new policy was developed by the Chicago Public School Office of Student Health and Wellness (OSHW). OSHW has been in consultation with various stakeholder groups for feedback and recommendations in developing the policy.
(Though it does not appear that any parents were consulted - or even considered as - "stakeholders" in their child's lives.)

)Among these stakeholders in your children's welfare, were Mikva Challenge, Chicago Department of Public Health, Planned Parenthood of Illinois
(what a surprise there), University of Illinois Chicago and Illinois Caucus for Adolescdent Health and CPS high school students.  (Do you feel a whole lot better yet?) 

Anyway, CPS stated that the policy, which will replace the district's previous 2008 Family Life and Comprehensive Sexual Health Education Policy, "will set more 'modern' standards." (The dictionary definition of the word 'modern' as a noun: a person who advocates or practices a departure from traditional styles or values.) (I think we know where they're going with this).

CPS goes on to expound on these "modern standards": "Younger students will receive family life instruction that was also in the 2008 policy.

"For K-4 students, instruction will center on anatomy and physiology, reproduction, healthy relationships and personal safety," (and they're not talking about looking both way before crossing the street).

"For example, younger students in this group will focus on the family, (what definition of family?)
Next - feelings and appropriate and inappropriate touching will be a part of this lesson plan. Students in the fourth grade will learn about puberty, including the physical, social and emotional changes that accompany it, and the causes and transmission of HIV infection." (We've come a long way from learning to cover our mouth when we cough, and making sure our hands are washed before we eat and - that's how you define "modern")

"For older children in grades 5-12, instruction will include information "appropriate" (there's that word again)
for each grade on human reproduction, transmission and prevention of HIV/AIDS and other sexually-transmitted infections (STIs), healthy decision-making, and naturally - "sexual orientation and bullying" (since in the "modern" "social" evolution, those two things naturally go together right?)  Last but not least - this "thoroughly modern" course will include lessons on contraception - "including abstinence!" (This begs the question - if they simply taught abstinence only - just think how many class hours could be saved on teaching contraception, HIV transmission, sexual orientation etc. - which might help the taxpayers pocketbook, as well as save your child's life)

CPS stated: "The policy conforms to the Mayor's Healthy Chicago public health agenda and aligns with and supports priorities in President Obama's HIV/AIDs strategy."   (Since - President Obama is the main "Stakeholder" in your children's lives after all.)

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