Saturday, January 23, 2016

Pro-Life Cause

pro-life, pro-woman, together

Jezebel likens ‘anti-abortion protesters’ arriving for March for Life with snow DC residents must face

I was doing a Google search for the March for Life on Thursday early evening, and the first result was from Jezebel, the radically feminist, pro-abortion site. The piece was, with all emphasis original, “Blizzard Arrives Just in Time for Annual ‘March for Life.'”
The pro-life movement did not choose for this day full of mourning to be in the dead of winter. Nevertheless, it has never deterred pro-lifers from bringing attention to the day in which seven Supreme Court justices decided two cases, Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, legalized abortion in all 50 states and throughout all nine months of pregnancy.

The pro-life cause, which is literally a life or death kind of issue, is far too important.
Understandably some years there are weather conditions which make it hard for all those who want to attend to be able to do so. Nevertheless, there will always be people who are able to make the trip in order for there to be a significant crowd standing up for life.
Jezebel, which in no way sees the issue this way, including author of this piece, Kelly Faircloth, just sneers.

Never mind that pro-lifers from across the nation, and even world, are exercising their right to protest, and that they do so in a peaceful and dignified manner.

The brief article mocks the marchers for continuing their cause, conveys both a hope that it will cause less to show, and a sense of disappointment that it will still continue. But Faircloth’s ending is the worst. DC residents are to be sympathized with, not just for the snow, but because they may have to be subjected to the presence of those who dare to hold a different view of them:
Please keep Washington, D.C. in your thoughts—they have enough trouble with snow without throwing hordes o anti-abortion protestors [sic] into the mix.
And the safety of the pro-lifers marching and traveling? Definitely not something to be considered. Why they’re just as pesky as a natural disaster.
Sorry not sorry, Jezebel (and the equally unpleasant and pro-abortion commenters), but pro-lifers will march on!

Source: LiveSite News

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