NBC Skips New Poll Showing Sanders Clobbering Clinton
By Scott WhitlockDespite a four hour run time, NBC’s Today on Wednesday skipped a dire new poll showing Bernie Slanders crushing Hillary Clinton by 27 points in New Hampshire. ABC’s Good Morning America and CBS This Morning, in contrast, both covered the surprising development. GMA co-host Amy Robach marveled at “the stunning new poll showing her free-falling in New Hampshire.”
A few minutes later, Robach repeated herself, informing viewers of “that stunning new CNN poll showing Bernie Sanders with a nearly 30-point lead over Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire.” Were the GMA journalists rattled by the survey? Later, Cecilia Vega fretted, “The numbers especially damaging to Clinton in a state where she has been on the offensive, dispatching her most powerful surrogates, from Bill and Chelsea.”
Over on CBS This Morning, Gayle King bluntly declared, “The latest poll in New Hampshire finds the Democratic primary there is turning into no contest at all.” Reporter Nancy Cordes called Sanders’s margin an “enormous lead.”
Yet, NBC’s Today offered no story. The program also skipped the latest damaging news on Clinton’s e-mails. The four hour show did devote almost nine minutes to the subject of how to get rid of clutter in your home. Clearly, there was time available to look at bad news for Clinton.
Editor’s note. This appeared at newsbusters.org
Source: NRLC News
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