Monday, October 5, 2015

Planned Parenthood


When Planned Parenthood officials sound like Nazi doctors

At the end of  World War II, American soldiers walked German civilians through the death camps in order to help them wake up to the reality that Jews were systematically killed. The public’s imagination had to be shocked awake through deliberate uncovering of evidence that the Holocaust happened right there in their midst. Today, due diligence must likewise awaken the American conscience from the lull of the abortion status quo where power and privilege reside.
David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress are currently escorting the American public through the the back rooms of Planned Parenthood’s abortion facilities in order to inspect the hidden holocaust. To those with a sense of history, the parallels are too uncanny for comfort.

Enter the recent video from LifeSiteNews titled, “The awesomest ‘pro-choice’ defense of Planned Parenthood… ever.” The video portrays the average American’s support of Planned Parenthood, shaped by the popular culture in a way that speaks to the very nature of our national identity–that American spirit open both to feminist sloganizing and open to welcoming the poor, weak, huddled masses yearning to breathe free.
PP reply 1
The actor, who is seen trying to maintain support for Planned Parenthood, captures America’s big-hearted earnestness perfectly – he trusts what is billed as reproductive health and believes our country offers sufficient protections to prevent any sort of creeping Nazi eugenics in our land of the free.
The actor’s think-aloud narrative posits a plausible line of reasoning of those who stand by Planned Parenthood even in the face of the revelations that this most trusted of American institutions sells human body parts. Much of the actor’s narrative repeats reassurances about the advancement of science as well as reliance on our American safeguards, including scientific standards, legal frameworks, and freedom of the press.
Science Protects Us, Right?
With a we-can-land-men-on-the-moon kind of enthusiasm, Americans believe in our doctors. A white lab coat signals credibility, unquestioned authority,  the highest legitimacy. Doctors are never tempted by political alliances or motivated by greed, right?
Such all- out confidence in science is seen in a response to a Murray Vassar cartoon. The reader reveals blind faith in medical practitioners. Vassar’s cartoon specifically questions the abortion apologist’s major justification – bodily autonomy – in light of the organ procurement specialist’s instructions to the technician to carve open the baby’s autonomous body for research.

Source: LiveAction News

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