Monday, December 16, 2013

TaxPayer Funding Of Abortion


Planned Parenthood receives $1.5 million a day in taxpayer funding

planned parenthood
Planned Parenthood recently released their 2012 annual report, which showed that they are continuing to maintain their position as America’s largest abortion chain. At 327,166 abortions, they performed just over 25% of the abortions in the country. Their cumulative total since 1970 is 6,210,670.

For taxpayers who don’t want to fund abortions, this should be especially troubling, considering that Planned Parenthood is raking in a whopping $540.6 million in taxpayer funding, or $1.5 million per day. This accounts for 45% of their revenue. Compare that to their other sources of revenue — private contributions, 26%; non-government revenue, 25%; and “other”, 4% — and it is overwhelmingly clear why the abortion industry fights to keep organizations like Planned Parenthood on the government dole. Without taxpayers to leech off of, Planned Parenthood alone would lose half a billion dollars.

And what exactly are taxpayers paying for? As mentioned, the report shows that Planned Parenthood is still performing the most abortions in the country. The number of abortions performed did decrease slightly, by 2%. However, as the Susan B. Anthony List pointed out, this is still 100,000 more abortions than Planned Parenthood performed 10 years ago. Adoption referrals were down too, though, and in 2012, Planned Parenthood performed 149 abortions for every one adoption referral. Planned Parenthood also reported large decreases in both prenatal care and cancer screenings. Abortion ends up making up almost 94% of their pregnancy services.

Keep all of this in mind the next time pro-aborts try to paint Planned Parenthood as a “reproductive health” organization, or trot out the 3% number. The annual report, released by Planned Parenthood itself, lays all of the facts bare, and it is truly horrifying. It could not be plainer that the abortion giant is in business for one thing, and one thing only, and that’s the business of murdering innocent children in the womb. And worst of all, we’re the ones paying for it.

Source: LiveAction News

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