Thursday, June 3, 2010

Dying Population

Advances in medicine and improvement in living conditions, have extended the life expectancy in most countries, during recent years. Of course this varies in different countries. Many people from underdeveloped countries, want to come to the US or Canada for the so called "Good Life". This has caused an increase in population in these particular countries.
In the US, people born in 1970, had a life expectancy of 70 yrs. By the mid 90's, it was 76 yrs, and has continued to slowly increase. Of course so has the change in the ethnic makeup.  The US has become more Hispanic and Western Europe, more Muslim.
Russia has one of the lowest birth rates in the West. Although medical care is improving, there are no accurate records. However, a few years ago, there were still 2 abortions for every live birth. Life expectancy for men, has dropped to 57 yrs., largely due to alcoholism and poor medical care. This concerns Russian leaders, because, they are bearing half a million more people each year, than are being born.
Let's look at Italy. Italy's birth rate is 1.2 persons born per woman. This is the lowest birth rate of European countries who keep records. Ten years ago, there were about 5,000 more Italians buried each year, than were being born. And this rate has continued to rise.
There's another way we should be looking at the shrinking population of the West. This method is, how many workers are there, supporting each retired person. With the increase in life expectancy, by 1980 there were only 4 workers supporting every retired person. By 2000 it had shrunk to 3, and it is estimated that by 2020, it will be 2.5 workers supporting each retired person.
How about food. Paul Ehrlich wrote the Population Bomb, which scared the developed world into believing, that there would be more people than the planet could feed. However, due to better agricultural methods, better fertilizers, hybrid seeds, we have experienced a green revolution. The incidence of famine, world wide, has dropped 10 fold since the 1960's. To decades ago, people were worried, that the planet would soon have to feed 10 billion people. However, today we know, with the reduction of birth rates world wide continuing, that was a fallacy.
Abortion, the pill, the contraceptive mentality, not to mention the environmental movement, are having their day, while the end result is the demise of civilization as we know it.
Some material obtained from "Life Issues Institute" 2010 .

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