Aurora, Mayor, Others Out of Planned Parenthood Suit
Aurora Mayor Tom Weisner
A lawsuit alleging that Planned Parenthood violated Aurora zoning and building code law can continue, a DuPage County judge ruled Friday. But it will do so without more than half the defendants originally named, including Mayor Tom Weisner and the city of Aurora. The suit was filed in February of 2008 by a group of local abortion protesters. It alleges that Planned Parenthood's clinic at 3051 E. New York St. was constructed in violation of several city zoning and building code laws.
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Authorities Continue Search for Manish Patel, Accused of Spiking Girlfriends Drink With Abortion-Inducing Drug
Manish Patel
Law enforcement officers are confident a Wisonsin man who jumped a $750,000 bond more than two years ago for spiking his girlfriend's drink with an abortion-inducing drug will be brought to justice. Although Outagamie County's search for Manish Patel is not active, police say it's only a matter of time before he is captured. Patel, formerly of the Town of Kaukauna, was out of jail on a $750,000 bond in December 2007 when he disappeared. Police aren't sure if he is still in the U.S., in his native India or somewhere else.
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Father: Bus Driver Berated Girl Over Pro-Life Beliefs
Family Suing Carmel Clay Schools, Bus Driver
Carmel Clay Schools Seal
An Indiana family has filed suit against Carmel Clay Schools after they said a bus driver was caught on tape berating their daughter about her religious beliefs. Edward Zimmer said bus driver Betty Campbell harassed and caused emotional distress to his middle school daughter, Rachael, in November of 2008, 6News' Renee Jameson reported. He said the incident began during a ride home from school when his daughter told another student that she would never vote for President Barack Obama because of her anti-abortion and anti-homosexual beliefs. Zimmer said that led to an allegation that Rachael told other students that they would go to hell if they believed differently, something he said his daughter vehemently denies. Click here for the video.
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Challenge may await Oklahoma abortion measure
Mary Spaulding Balch of the National Right to Life Committee explains the purpose of the bill. "The more information the state has about a particular procedure and why a woman is seeking an abortion, the more the state is able to address some of the concerns that might arise," she says.
Balch expects Planned Parenthood to file a lawsuit to block the bill. "They don't want to report, they don't want us to know what's going on inside the abortion facility, they don't want us to monitor this procedure," she states. "It is the most underreported, unregulated procedure -- and yet it is one that is the most often performed in the United States."
Click here for the entire article.
Time to Admit It: Trump Is a Great President. He’s Still Trying To Be a
Good One.
The most consequential presidents divided the nation—before “reuniting it
on a new level of understanding.”
42 minutes ago
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