Euthanasia Coming To A Neighborhood Near You!
There are many reasons to oppose socialism. There are many reasons to oppose euthanasia. But when a society has socialized health care, all the conditions are in place to create a perfect environment for euthanasia. To become public policy, euthanasia needs two things: an ideology and a mechanism. A radical ideology, however malevolent, is impotent without a mechanism. Government is the perfect mechanism because government is inherently coercive. It has the brute force to impose its will on the unwilling.
Click here for the entire article.
Is Eugenics Coming Back?
The National Institute of Health has announced plans to set up a centralized Genetic Testing Registry, a move which supporters have hailed as an important step forward for medical research. But others are not so sure about its merits and are concerned about its potential for abuse. In fact, the NIH itself shows an awareness of this potential. In a 2001 article in The NIH Catalyst, currently posted on the NIH's own website, we read: "According to his definition of eugenics-interference with individuals' procreative choices in order to attain a societal goal-eugenics lingers in our society, perhaps more dangerous because it is not so obvious, cautioned Neal Holtzman, professor of pediatrics at the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions in Baltimore.
Click here for the entire article.
Nebraska Supreme Court: Teen Doesn't Have To Tell Mom About Murdering Her Grandchildren
The Nebraska Supreme Court has ruled that a 17-year-old Dakota County teen can have an abortion without telling her mother. The opinion released Friday reverses the decision of Dakota County District Court Judge William Binkard. He ruled that the girl was not mature and an abortion without parental notification was not in her best interests. The high court said the girl was clearly not dependent on the mother. The teen lives with her boyfriend and their 2-month-old son, owns a car, has two jobs and pays her own expenses. In Nebraska, children under 18 must notify their parents of planned abortions at least 48 hours before the procedures.
Click here for the entire article.
Maryland Crisis Pregnancy Center Sues County for Free Speech Rights
An anti-abortion pregnancy center has sued Montgomery County over a law requiring it to post information about the care it provides, The Gazette reports. Centro Tepeyac Women's Center in Silver Spring believes the law is unconstitutional, said the center's lead attorney Casey Mattox. Mattox, with the Alliance Defense Fund, said the law restricts freedom of speech. Under the law, pregnancy centers that do not provide abortions or do not provide referrals to abortion clinics are required to post disclaimers stating the center "does not have a licensed medical professional on staff" and the "Montgomery County Health Officer encourages women who are or may be pregnant to consult with a licensed health care provider."
Click here for the entire article.
Judge rules neighbors can proceed with lawsuit against Aurora Planned Parenthood
Today there was a huge victory for our side....
DuPage Co. Judge Neal Cerne ruled today that TMS's zoning case can proceed. The judge denied PP's latest motion to dismiss and upheld the main count of the suit, that PP willfully violated local zoning and building laws during the development and buildling process of the Aurora mill.
Judge Cerne ordered the defendants to answer TMS's complaint within the next month.
Now the case gets juicy. TMS attorneys plan to subpoena PP and Aurora officials to testify under oath about the full details of the zoning and development process of the Aurora mill.
Click here for the entire article.
Oklahoma -- 6th State to Opt Out of Taxpayer-Funded Abortion
Today, the Oklahoma legislature cleared a final legislative hurdle and will now send a bill to the Governor to opt the state out of the abortion mandate created by the new federal health care law. Americans United for Life applauds the Oklahoma legislature for becoming the 6th state to opt out.
"More than 70% of voters oppose the use of public funds for abortion; that's why the state-by-state opt out movement continues to gain momentum," said AUL spokesman Matthew Faraci. "Oklahoma's leadership on this issue serves as an example to other states looking to pass similar laws."
So far, the opt-out bills in Arizona and Tennessee have become law and bills in Florida, Mississippi, and Missouri are pending action by the state's governor.
Click here for the entire article.
Time to Admit It: Trump Is a Great President. He’s Still Trying To Be a
Good One.
The most consequential presidents divided the nation—before “reuniting it
on a new level of understanding.”
43 minutes ago
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