Dispute over ownership of "Rock for Life" brand
First came this statement from American Life League on May 21:
The following statement was issued today by Judie Brown, president of ALL:
"American Life League has temporarily suspended the operations of our Rock For Life project. This is being done to allow us the flexibility to structure the organization in a manner that best fits the needs of the pro-life youth movement in the coming decades....
"As we go through our restructuring efforts, RFL chapters across the country will be served by ALL's associate program. RFL merchandise will continue to be available at our online store and by calling our resource department (866-LET-LIVE).
"ALL remains dedicated to serving the pro-life educational needs of the youth of this nation. We are grateful to all those fine individuals who have staffed and supported our RFL project in the past and expect to be able to issue further announcements on our plans for RFL later this year."
Then came this statement this afternoon via Facebook, meaning the following fellows are controlling that aspect aspect of RFL, at least for now (and according to the new website also controlling Twitter, YouTube, MySpace, and podcasts)...
Media Contact: Erik Whittington / 540-840-9764 Business Contact: Jeff White / 909-744-4479
Los Angeles, CA. "We are excited about this next phase in our ministry," said Erik Whittington, executive director of Rock For Life. "There have been many changes throughout the years with RFL but one thing stays constant - We will fight for the human rights of preborn individuals through music, education and action. Our work will not, and has not ever been suspended. We have many things planned and look forward to announcing them throughout the summer."
RFL and American Life League separated ways on Thursday, May 20th, 2010, ending an 11-1/2 year relationship that has seen the pro-life youth movement grow tremendously during that time. "We are thankful for the support American Life League has shown us throughout the years," said Whittington. "We wish them and all their staff the best as they work to defeat the culture of death in our country."
RFL began as a one-time concert event in the Fall of 1993 in Southern CA to raise funds for a pregnancy help center and raise awareness regarding the travesty of abortion. This event, hosted by Bryan Kemper - the Founder of RFL and the current President of Stand True Ministries - ended up being a huge success. This event, under the guidance of Jeff White, led to the official launch of RFL as a legal entity. Following the success of the first concert, including a story on MTV and a baby saved, RFL launched several more concerts and joined the Lollapalooza tour through out the summer of 1994.
In January of 1995 Erik Whittington joined forces with Bryan Kemper at the March for Life in Washington, DC. Erik had been doing pro-life booths at concerts in Portland, OR, while Bryan was starting RFL in Southern CA; realizing that their work was so similar they decided to combine their life-saving efforts.
"I too am excited about this new phase of ministry for RFL," said Bryan Kemper. "Music is a powerful tool that RFL has used successfully to raise awareness, raise funds and save babies from abortion. I am looking forward to a renewed friendship and partnership between RRL and STM."
To celebrate this exciting change, RFL will be hosting a concert during the Survivors Pro-Life Boot Camp June 28th in Los Angeles, CA. Stay tuned at TheRockForLife.com as this exciting news is developing quickly.
So the good news is Rock for Life, Stand True Ministries, and The Survivors have mended any broken fences, while the bad news is the RFL team and ALL have obviously parted company and are currently at odds over who owns the brand.
We pray that this ends amicably. The pro-life movement doesn't need another waste of money and energy over turf, such as we have seen with the struggle over the Operation Rescue brand.
Contact: Jill Stanek
Source: jillstanek.com
Publish Date: May 25, 2010
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