Marie Stopes Charity Defends its Decision to Advertise Baby Killing
As charity launches its first TV campaign, our correspondent speaks to a mix of patients in a typical day at its clinic in London. The smart, double-fronted terrace house in Bloomsbury does not look much like an abortion clinic. Pansies bloom in the window boxes and the paint is fresh on the sills and front door. The only things suggesting that this is a medical centre and not a large family home are the "Marie Stopes House" signs and a sophisticated entry-phone system. Inside, the scene is equally welcoming. Sofas and chairs are dotted around a bright reception room. Staff are cheerful and attentive.
Click here for the entire article.
Mississippi Gov. Signs Law With Second Ban On Abortion Funding
Gov. Haley Barbour has signed a new state law that bans public funding for most abortions under health exchanges that could be created under a federal health care overhaul. The new state law took effect when Barbour signed it Monday. When legislators passed the bill last month, opponents said it was a way to pander to conservatives because Mississippi has had a law since 2002 banning any federal, state or local tax dollars from being used for abortion.
Click here for the entire article.
Obama's Health Care Rationing Czar
There is an interesting article in CNSNews about Obama's nominee to head the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Donald Berwick, who reveals his passion for central planning and all things socialized.The article links to a June 2009 interview with Berwick in Biotechnology Healthcare. Some snippets from the article: In a June 2009 interview in Biotechnology Healthcare, Berwick was asked: "Critics of CER (Comparative Effectiveness Research) have said that it will lead to rationing of health care."
Click here for the entire article.
Planned Parenthood Patient Transported To Hospital
A patient at Planned Parenthood of Collier County was transported by ambulance today from the clinic on Creech Road to an area hospital, according to emergency medical personnel. The ambulance arrived at 12:50 p.m. and left with a patient on board a few minutes later, while a dozen abortion opponents were protesting on the sidewalk nearby. The clinic performs abortions only on Mondays. "We had a medical call and just transported someone to the hospital for evaluation," said Cherie Wilson-Watson, spokeswoman for Collier County Emergency Medical Services.
Click here for the entire article.
Yoest Applauds Senator Sessions in Call for Postponement
"Yesterday, we asked the Senate Judiciary Committee to postpone the Kagan confirmation hearings if the Clinton Presidential Library fails to deliver important documents from Ms. Kagan's tenure in the Clinton Administration with enough lead time to allow Senators to thoroughly examine them. In a Senate floor speech yesterday, Senator Jeff Sessions said that he would have no choice but to ask for a delay if the documents are not delivered in a timely fashion. I applaud Senator Sessions for his leadership. The American people and their elected representatives need to have all of the facts available to them when weighing this critical, lifetime appointment to the United States Supreme Court." -- Dr. Charmaine Yoest, President & CEO of Americans United for Life.
Click here for the entire article.
Protest the Pill Day 2010: 50 Years of Killing the Environment -- June 5, 2010
This year, birth control advocates are celebrating 50 years of decriminalized hormonal contraceptives. Pro-LIfers don't think half a century of contaminating our waterways is something to celebrate. Study after study has shown that hormonal estrogen in the water has severely damaged the ecosystem and our health.
Join in the largest nationwide protest against the birth control pill.
Click here for the entire article.
Time to Admit It: Trump Is a Great President. He’s Still Trying To Be a
Good One.
The most consequential presidents divided the nation—before “reuniting it
on a new level of understanding.”
42 minutes ago
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