Friday, January 24, 2014

State of Abortion


NRLC’s “The State of Abortion in the United States”: Part One of Three

By Dave Andrusko
StateofAbortionOn Tuesday, we posted a story about National Right to Life’s new analysis, “The State of Abortion in the United States” (“As Nation Observes Roe Anniversary, Right-to-Life Movement Anticipates More Gains”). Today, tomorrow, and Monday we’re going to talk more in depth about this 37-page overview of where we are as of January 2014.

This is a very important document, which you can read at We are already inundated with stories and accounts that purport to tell us what the status of the battle is after 41 years. We believe “The State of Abortion in the United States” is by far the most accurate assessment.

Today we’ll begin by outlining the categories and filling in some additional details–with more coming Friday and Monday.
In addition to the introduction by NRLC President Carol Tobias, there are these major headings:
*Synopsis of U.S. Supreme Court Cases
*Public Opinion & Abortion
*Federal Legislation & Abortion
*State Laws & Abortion
*Abortion in America: A look at the Numbers
*Planned Parenthood: The Nation’s Largest Abortion Provider
*SPECIAL REPORT: Obamacare’s Threat to the born
You rarely find an explanation of prominent Supreme Court abortion cases that isn’t too technical for us laypeople. That gap is filled by a “brief synopsis” of 22 cases which enables you and me to understand the findings in everything from the 1973 Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton decisions to Gonzales v. Carhart (upholding the 2003 Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act).

Likewise there are countless polls on abortion. What “Public Opinion & Abortion: By the Numbers” accomplishes is to help the reader wade through the complexities to come out with a clear conclusion.


Combining the results of a 2013 poll by The Polling Company “with the most recent Gallup poll, these results show that not only do Americans disagree with the abortion policy established by the U.S. Supreme Court in Roe and Doe, but they are more willing to embrace the ‘pro-life’ than the ‘pro-choice’ label to describe their position.”

Tomorrow we’ll talk about Federal and State Legislation. Please be sure to join us on Friday.

Source:NRLC News

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