Key Points to Discuss With Friends/Legislators
Here are some key points for you to use use make when calling your legislator and or discussing the subject with friends and family:
1.) Redefining marriage is un-needed because all the "rights" they say they need, they already have under the Civil Unions Bill (passed last year).
2.) Faith-based ministries, for adoption and foster-care, were adversely affected despite promises made by the sponsor of the civil union bill.
3.) Passage of a same-sex marriage bill will result in more and more non-biological children. a.) Anything the state legalizes, we have more of .. ie.. divorce, abortion, marijuana use etc.
4.) A good public policy is as much as possible, to encourage that children are raised in a two parent, mother/father home. Statistics prove children do better regarding the following, when brought up in such an environment. a.) Lower addiction rate. b.) Lower suicide rate. c.) Better academic achievement. d.) Better career opportunity. e.) Lower crime rate.
5.) The redefinition of both marriage bills in the House and in the Senate, DO NOT have adequate religious freedom protections.
6.) Contrary to major media statements, the majority of Illinois voters do not favor same-sex marriage.
The Thomas More Society has prepared a draft that proves there is no need for same-sex marriage legislation. We will share a couple of points, and have the draft copy on file if you need to refer to it.
The large majority of states do not recognize same-sex unions at all; whether those unions are called civil unions or marriages. The General Assembly cannot change this. Even in Illinois, if same-sex partners are not the parents or legal guardians of a child, they have little or no rights over that child, nor should they, any more than a step-parent would.
Although the proponents of The Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act say that, the amendment to the Illinois House Bill 110 protects religious freedom, it does not.
1.) The amendment to HB110 provides no protection of religious freedom not already available in existing law, or in the Free Exercise Clause of The First Amendment.
2.) The amendment to HB110 and The Illinois Human Rights Act could be interpreted to require some religious organizations to provide their facilities for solemnization or celebration of same-sex marriage.
3.) The amendment to HB110 and The Illinois Human Rights Act could be interpreted to require a religious organization to hire a homosexual person, which is against the belief of that organization.
Please note: That in addition to religious freedom, the adoption of same-sex marriage would have negative consequences for children and society in general.
Please see our previous Constant Contact for further details.
Source Lake County Right to Life
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