Monday, June 8, 2009

Eternal Rest

Although this may be a personal view expressed, I believe, that as people of God, we should direct our energy in praying for the soul of George Tiller, and leave final judgement to Almighty God. I believe, as people of God, if we are going to play God, than play God as God would play God. I believe that God said, "vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord".

Demonstrating at a funeral is, in my mind, brings the movement down to the lowest common denominator. Archbishop Joseph Naumann, the Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Kansas City, immediately, upon hearing the news, that George Tiller had been murdered, offered mass for the repose of his soul, and the comfort and consolation of his family. This is what we're called to do.

As pro-lifers, never lower the bar. We have the Truth. We must do everything for the unborn possible. We do not engage in violence, because we know violence only begets violence. We are people who understand the sanctity of human life. We say that everyday. Let's continue to be people of God and act that way.

God has also told us, that we love the sinner, but stand firm against the sin. The violence is finished. The pro-life movement needs to focus and continue it's efforst to protect the innocent and embrace a culture of life, and leave George Tiller to God.  

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