Thursday, April 2, 2015

Religious Freedom & Innocent Victims - He Too Had a Name

                  Religious Freedom & Innocent Victims
                                    He Too Had a Name
Being so busy with my duties as pro-life office manager at Lake County Right to Life, along with five children, thirteen grandchildren and a recent heart operation, I have not had a lot of time to sound off with one of my blogs for quite some time. But I am mad as hell right now, with the gay agenda and the threat to our religious liberties, all in the name of gay people being innocent victims of Christian hate and bigotry.

Claims of innocent gays being bullied and murdered by raving heterosexual Christian bigots, are in certain cases being proved as fabrications, such as the Matthew Shepard story. Matthew Shepard being the young man who was brutally beaten and tied to a post, who later died of his injuries. Then President Clinton condemned his murder as a “hate crime”, which raised Matthew to a gay cause celeb, and the Matthew Shepard Foundation, was founded.  

However, the question of the veracity of the Matthew Shepard story is not the particular focus of my blog today, however fallacious it may or may not be.  I simply resent the hypocrisy of the gay community in styling themselves as innocent peace loving victims who now have the right to avenge themselves by depriving others of their religious freedom and freedom of conscience.  
God confronted Cain on the murder of his brother Abel: “Your brother's blood cries out to me from the ground”, Genesis ch. 4.  

Every murder cries out to heaven for justice.  Is one murder more worthy of justice than another?  Is any life less valuable than another?  Is any one group of people on this planet less guilty of violence against their fellow man which affords them privilege over others? 

His name was Steven Sarsok.  He was a 24 yr. old partially handicapped young man, who suffered from mental and emotional problems.  He was not involved in the drug world and drug deals, as was Matthew Shepard and his murderers.  Due to his handicap and mental condition, Steven was a loner and an outsider.  He kept to himself, living in a single room in a boarding house, as a psychiatric outpatient.  There was no reason for anyone to hold ill will toward him.  

His murderers were able to target him specifically because of his handicap and solitary life. They developed their plot against Steven one night in a bar, after viewing the movie “Deliverance” in which a brutal sodomy scene is depicted. The movie obviously inflamed their lusts, as witnesses testified how they boasted that night in the tavern, how they were going to go out and do to someone what they’d witnessed in the Deliverance movie.  

Steven’s stripped and bludgeoned body was discovered in a ditch a few days later by a couple of young girl’s out horseback riding. He was so severely bludgeoned, he was unrecognizable, and was only able to be identified by a surgical scar on his back, from the surgery which tried to correct the damage done by a botched delivery which left him partially handicapped.  His coffin had to be closed for his funeral. The judge remarked that he’d never seen such a heinous and brutal crime in all his year’s on the bench. Steven’s spleen and other internal parts were severely ruptured due to the violence of the sodomy inflicted on him. His head had been crushed, as his attackers testified how they had jumped down onto Steven’s head from a fence, over and over, so they could crush the life out of him.  Of all the serious injuries Steven sustained, the coroner’s report actually listed the cause of death as asphyxiation due to his face being so badly crushed that the blood had blocked all his breathing passages.  

This was not a hate crime.  This was simply a crime of pure violent lust by two men who preferred sodomy to normal sexual behavior. There are many men who violently rape and murder women.  But homosexuals can be guilty of the very same evil.  They deserve no special consideration for their sin. 

Who takes up Steven’s cause?   

All murder cries out to heaven for justice.  But one man’s murder does not justify depriving others of their constitutional liberties.   

No one argues the fact that Matthew Shepard’s murder was a heinous crime, which deprived him of his life and liberty. But my brother n law was also deprived of his life and liberty, and no one is taking up his cause against homosexual rapists. My argument is about whether Christian believers should now lose their freedom of conscience and religious liberties, due to being singled out as the only people on this planet guilty of violence against their fellow man.

One final note:    Steven’s murderers were eventually paroled and walk the streets as free men today.  

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