Youanna Torres was 19 weeks and six days pregnant when she started to
experience cramping and bleeding. Fearing the worst, Torres and her
boyfriend, Fernando Viera, rushed to the ER. After an examination,
doctors informed Torres that there was nothing they could do to stop her
from going into premature labor.
Diagnosed with cervical incompetence (when the cervix begins to open
too early during pregnancy) Torres’ baby was born nearly 20 weeks
premature on April 4, 2015.
Baby Savier lived for two hours outside of the womb and died in the
loving arms of his mother. Because he was born extremely premature,
doctors were unable to do anything to save him. Torres with baby Savier.
Devastated, Torres and Viera took photos of their son, and even
recorded a video of him. The powerful recording shows the humanity of
baby Savier, as he kicks his legs while his mother cradles him. The
parents spent time holding him and loving him before he passed away.
The following day, Torres shared her heartbreaking story on Facebook, asking for prayers. She wrote:
“God give me the strength […]This agony is killing me. I can’t stop cryin. I feel so weak.”
Doctors informed Torres that she will need a cervical stitch when she
becomes pregnant again. This will keep her cervix closed so that the
same incident with Savier will not occur again.
The days following the loss of her son, Torres continued to share her
emotions. She wrote about how difficult it is to wake up in the
morning, remembering that her son is gone and that she is no longer
pregnant. Torres wrote about how happy she was to give her 10-year-old
daughter, Sashalie, the sibling she had always wanted.
“I love you with all my heart,” Torres wrote to Savier, telling him to rest in God’s arms.
Savier was not only deeply loved, but he was alive during his short
time outside of the womb. At less than 20 weeks gestation, he was a
human being worthy and deserving of life. His beautiful face shows us
just how precious he and all preborn children are.
Torres says she knows Savier is watching over her, and she feels that
he wants her to smile and be happy. She plans to place some of his
ashes in a necklace so she can always keep her son close.
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