Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Planned Parenthood and a New Tactic


PPFA’s Richards completes Trifecta of non-confessionals

By Dave Andrusko
Cecile Richards
Cecile Richards

In October we talked about Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards decision to open up about her abortion in Elle magazine. Why then?
We offered some speculation but only Richards knows whether it was because she was feeling the pressure of the wing of the Abortion Movement that is adamant that abortion “stories” be told or for some more personal reason.

Four days ago Richards posted a 1 minute, 19 second long video for “The 1 in 3 Campaign, a project of Advocates for Youth.” They advertise themselves as “a grassroots movement to start a new conversation about abortion that highlights storytelling to end the stigma around abortion care in America and to ensure that abortion remains safe, legal and affordable.”
Her abortion was “the right decision for me and my husband and wasn’t a difficult decision.” Bam, just like that, “I had an abortion” and, believe Ms. Richards,” it was no—repeat no—big deal.
“No woman should ever be forced to justify her reason for having an abortion,” she adds. “The decision is hers alone.” And a key reason there is abortion “stigma” at all is that women haven’t been telling their abortion story.

And her story in Cosmopolitan this week makes for the trifecta of non-confessionals.
Jill Filipovic tosses her a softball to begin the interview—what were the pro-choice “accomplishments” and what could they have done better (so as not to get squashed in the off-year elections). Lots, although instead Richards chooses to respond defiantly
We want to make it completely unacceptable to run for office as someone who opposes women’s rights or wants to take us backward.

Then an even softer softball question. Filipovic asks her about the reaction to her coming out about her abortion )in the October issue of Elle):

It was really awesome. It’s interesting, I just talked to my kids the other day, and they knew I’d had an abortion, and they were sort of like, “Mom, it was no big deal,” but I could also tell it was important to them that we talked about it. I look at the positive response from Planned Parenthood employees……[etc., etc., etc.]

Okay, back to the first part of the answer. I can understand Richards telling the world—and herself—that having an abortion was no big deal. She may even believe that. But her kids?!
That is simply absurd. No child—no living child—believes it is no big deal that their mother killed a sibling.

(“Awesome”? “Interesting”? Richards sounds like a teenager.)
Ask a child whose mother miscarried a baby through absolutely no fault of her own. They feel that loss; they ask about that sister or brother; they often think differently about their place in the birth order.

Multiple that times a hundred and you have kids who can and are deeply upset by a decision to deliberately take a sibling’s life.
But it would be almost worse if they had so absorbed their mother’s propaganda they really did believe lost life is no “big deal.”

Abortion is a Big Deal. Ironically, the more pro-abortionists try to trivialize a life-and-death decision, the more obvious it is to everyone else that something “awesome” happened: the death of a child.

Source: NRLC News

1 comment:

Christina Dunigan said...

Funny how these repeated efforts to "destigmatize" or "normalize" or "demystify" abortion never generate any enthusiasm for the practice, even among women who have resorted to abortion themselves and still believe it to have been the best choice they could have made.