He sat across from us at dinner, wiping his eyes just a bit. The
tears seemed to come easily, when they were least expected – except, by
now, he’d come to expect them. When it came to his son, he was going to
get emotional.
He’d just opened a little gift we’d brought for his son who was yet
to be born: football jammies with the abbreviation “MVP” on the left
chest. The new dad, my husband’s good friend, beamed with pride, and it
was obvious that whether his little boy ever played a day of football in
his life or not, he was always going to be his dad’s MVP.
Before we dug into our plates of delicious Mexican food, he showed us
a video of his son’s first ultrasound. A tiny little gummy bear, with a
very round belly, kicking and swinging for all he was worth. Even at
the size of mere bean, this little boy wasn’t going to let anyone miss
the truth of his humanity.
8 weeks, this baby can kick and straighten his legs, and move his arms
up and down.” Incredible 3D and 4D ultrasound photos and videos can be
found here and here. (Photo credit: Life Dynamics)
The love of this father for his son reminded me of the love of other
good fathers. My dad, who would sneak out of the bedroom so my mom could
get a bit of extra sleep, and take baby me out to the couch to sleep on
his chest. My brother, who swings with his tiny daughter, guitar in his
arms, playing her a song and winning her heart. And of course, my
husband…our children clamor and call for him all day long, and often,
his name is the first word off their lips in the morning.
For Christians, the love of God Who came to our world to save His
sinful, human children is the highlight of this holiday season. The
unending love of a Father for His children, no matter what they do. It
is a love that stretches, that comforts, that holds, and that weeps.
So as we celebrate Christmas this year, let us recognize and be
grateful for the love of fathers. The love that makes tough men cry. The
love that makes immature men responsible. The love that makes tired men
stay awake through all hours of the night. The love that makes men
choose life and fight for it.
And, for Christians, the love that caused the Savior of the world to
come down among us as an unborn child – a child who grew, developed, and
lived, in his mother’s womb, probably kicking and swinging
just like our friend’s baby. And a child who was given the gift of love
from two fathers – His Heavenly Father and his earthly one, too.
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