In a bombshell revelation, a nonpartisan watchdog group
has revealed that Obamacare insurance exchanges are using federal tax
funding to cover elective abortions. As stalwart pro-lifer Rep. Chris
Smith of New Jersey summarizes it: “The [Government Accountability Office] has found ObamaCare massively funds abortion on demand.”
With this revelation, Obama’s promises that the insurance programs designed for the Affordable Care Act would not utilize federal tax funding to pay for abortions have been turned on their head. The report
states that, according to the Act as it is currently written, federal
tax funds may not be used to cover “non-excepted abortion services,”
which means that only abortions sought by women who are
pregnant as a result of rape or incest, or whose health is allegedly
endangered by continuance of the pregnancy, are allowed to receive
income-based tax credits and subsidies to cover their abortion costs.
An individual state has the freedom to allocate state tax money
towards abortion within their own state’s Obamacare insurance exchange.
But insurance companies are not free to subsidize abortions with federal tax funding.However,
today’s watchdog report indicates that this provision protecting
federal funding has been ignored by insurance exchange companies across
the country.
And the numbers are no small matter: over one thousand insurance
exchanges are guilty of this misuse of tax funding. Speaker John
Boehner noted that the Obama Administration repeatedly denied congressional requests that this information be made public.
In a statement by Alliance Defending Freedom, Senior Counsel Casey
Mattox confirms that this report is no surprise in light of the
unethical nature of Obamacare in general:
…Obamacare was designed to force Americans to pay for
abortions. Federal law protects Americans from paying for others’
abortions, but Obamacare architects built a purposely deceptive
accounting scheme into the massive law that makes people in all 50
states fund abortion. We were told that we had to pass the bill to find
out what was in it. Now we know one other thing that’s in it: corporate
welfare for the administration’s abortion industry cronies. Instead of
deceiving the American people, the administration needs to follow
federal law and deliver on the transparency we were promised.
Contrasted with the obfuscating nature of abortion in the Affordable Care Act, Obama has been relatively transparent about his personal love for abortion since taking the White House: Obama
warmly embraces the president of Planned Parenthood, an organization
that kills over 300,000 American babies in abortion every single year
and receives over $1 million in taxpayer funding every day.Source: LiveAction News
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