Monday, April 1, 2013



Joe Biden, Andrew Cuomo, and the Catholic Church

It is the opinion of myself and other faithful, Catholic pro-lifers that Vice President Joe Biden and Governor Andrew Cuomo be denied communion as a result of their pro-abortion views. If these two men would rather have their politics than their faith, so be it. You cannot be pro-abortion first and Catholic second; in fact, it’s only one or the other. You can’t be both.

VP Joe Biden Photo credit: richiec on Flickr
VP Joe Biden. Photo credit: richiec on Flickr

I have personally met Cardinal Timothy Dolan, a man whom I hold in high esteem. A qualm I have with him, though – perhaps my only qualm – is that he has not acted as his predecessor, Cardinal Edward Egan, did. Egan did deny communion to churchgoers who did not share the Church’s teaching on abortion. Unfortunately, though, when Joe Biden attended the Palm Sunday Mass at St. Patrick’s, Dolan not only served Biden communion, but cheerfully announced his presence.
Now, Biden may claim to be pro-life, but then he says he can’t impose this belief on other people, and on other religions? Well, okay – he’s not pro-life. Being pro-life is about not only what religion you belong to, but accepting the truth and the fact that life begins at conception.

And as the post on Patheos points out, Dolan and the Catholic Bishops’ Conference are suing the Obama administration. So such cheerfulness seems a bit odd. While Biden and Dolan met after Mass, it is not clear what they discussed.
Andrew Cuomo

Recently, Jason Jones of Movie to Movement wrote a letter to Cardinal Dolan asking that Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York be excommunicated for his views on abortion. If anyone is facilitating abortion right now and should be denied communion, it’s Andrew Cuomo. By now you’ve almost certainly heard about Cuomo’s bill to expand abortion in New York, a state which is already far ahead of the rest of the country when it comes to easy abortion access and high abortion rates.
The letter which Jones wrote has been published by World Net Daily.
As I have said, if Joe Biden and Andrew Cuomo want to have their politics, then if such politics conflict with the Catholic faith, then they cannot have both. If Cardinal Dolan and the rest of the Church are to remain consistent with teachings on abortion, then they must be not afraid to deny communion to those who refuse to uphold such truths about the right to life.

Rebecca Downs is a recent graduate of Fordham University, where she was involved in the Respect for Life club there. She is currently with C-FAM, a Catholic pro-life group in New York City. Someday she hopes to impact the pro-life movement on a political level. She first became interested in the Live Action campaign at the March for Life in 2010. She also has three blogs on tumblr, one personal and two pro-life. 

Source: LiveAction News

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