I have tended to avoid the same-sex marriage issue in my blogs, as my primary focus has been the abortion issue. But, I guess I have to finally "Come Out" to borrow the expression from those of same-sex attraction, on this issue, because I'm getting a little fed up with the doubled standard of those who cry "Hate", while they themselves are saturated with vitriol.
First of all, I personally, am not a HATER! And I am getting sick and tired of being labeled as such by homosexual activists, simply because of my belief that marriage is an estate between one man and one woman!
President Obama used the full weight of his office, to express his personal and political "belief" , that same-sex couples should have the "right" to get married.
Now, homosexual activists, in protest against a statement posted on a Catholic Church's Marquee, which read: "Two men are friends, not spouses", have posted such signs outside the church as, "Holy Mother Virgin Whore" and "Jesus freaks pray for death". Harassing phone calls of the most vile nature, were also made to the parish.
WOW! I ask you - who is a HATER?
There is definitely a double-standard here. No one should hate anyone. But why is it, that those of same-sex attraction can belly-ache about every wrong (perceived or actual) perpetrated against them, while they seem to feel perfectly within their rights to be as vitriolic as they choose against anyone who opposes their agenda?
Religious faiths are "Belief Systems". If you don't believe what they espouse, you don't join that religion etc. I have never joined the Jehovah's Witnesses or the Mormons, because I cannot assent to how they interpret the Bible.
It is our First Amendment which guarantees our Freedom of Religion. Therefore, even though I do not agree with the Jehovah's Witnesses or Mormons, I do not have the right to insult, harass or intimidate them in any way, so as to deny them their right to believe as they so choose.
Am I a HATER because I do not hold with the same religious opinions and beliefs as the Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons?
We have seen such a deluge of linguistic gymnastics in the past decades, that I don't know how anyone can keep up with it. How does anyone know, from one day to the next, where they stand - when it comes to such terms as "Hate Crimes" - which now have been stretched farther than the cartoon character, Baby Plaz.
So today, apparently, I, as a devout Roman Catholic, who believes the Catholic Churches interpretation of marriage, as being between one man and one woman, qualifies me as a "Hater - or that I am ascribing to hateful beliefs, at the very least.
So I ask myself - do I hate homosexuals? I can personally and honestly answer NO - I do not hate anyone! If I did hate anyone, I would be breaking the 5th commandment, "Thou Shalt Not Kill" , which as a Catholic child, I was taught covered even "Hating my brother, sister neighbor".
I can also honestly say, that I hold no negative feelings whatsoever against anyone of the same-sex attraction. I can even say, that I can understand their human need to love and be loved, and how faith beliefs which forbid homosexual "acts" can cause them a major problem in this area.
There were many times in my own life, when following my Catholic Faith, presented huge challenges for me. It has never been easy, especially in this modern era, to remain faithful to my Christian, particularly Catholic beliefs. There were even times when I felt barred from certain of life's natural pleasures and benefits due to those beliefs. It was not always easy for me to say, "Thy will be done". In fact, God forgive me, there were even times when I said to God, "Ok God, I will do it - but I just want you to know that I'm doing it under protest."
In the long run, though this filly yanked at the bit quite often, I eventually began to see more clearly where it was that my master was leading me. My attitude changed from that of feeling repressed by my Catholic Faith, to one of fully realizing that I was being called to something higher than my own human fallen nature was leading me.
Now, President Obama has, in my eyes, placed himself above that of my Christian faith, and positioned himself as the new Head of my religious beliefs, just as King Henry XVIII did in 16th century England.
Any churches who attempt to profess beliefs, such as marriage being between one man and one woman, will be portrayed as being hateful and bigoted, and even guilty of taking away people's civil rights.
Totalitarian regimes, down through time, have employed similar tactics to destroy churches, religious belief, and any dissenting opinion on issues that the "tolerance" crowd of the time did not tolerate.
Now, those homosexuals who do not like the teachings of the Christian Faith, to which I ascribe, will be able to "Hate" me - with impunity.
To be cont ....
Democrat Eric Adams sits for jovial, free-wheeling interview with Tucker
The New York City mayor recently dined with Donald Trump, who has the power
to pardon him in his federal case.
1 hour ago
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