For over thirty years pharmaceutical companies in this country have been producing vaccines derived from tissues of aborted fetuses; a fact that came to light when several Catholic newspapers began publishing articles on the morality of using the vaccines.
During the Rubells epidemic of 1964, some doctors began advising pregnant women, who had possibly been exposed to Rubella, more familiarly known as German Measles, to abort their babies. I myself, after giving birth to my 2nd child, in 1975, was told by my doctor, that I needed a Rubella vaccination, because I had never been immunized against the disease. After the nurse administered the vaccine, only then did my doctor inform me, that if I became pregnant within the next 3 - 4 months, I would have to abort, because my child would be infected with German Measles. He sternly warned me, that my child would be born severely disabled, blind and or deaf, if I became pregnant within the next 3 months after the inoculation. I was devastated and terrified. Long story short, I did, in fact, become pregnant within 3 months of my 2nd child's birth; the child being born completely normal, and today she has given me 3 healthy grandchildren. This was simply by the grace of God, in whom I placed my trust.
Now, today, I have just learned, what, specifically, I was inoculated with. After the Rubella epidemic of 1964, a virus strain was developed and known in the science world, as RA/27/3, where R=Rubella, A=A, 27=27th fetus tested, 3=third tissue explant. Now, that is a mouthful, so I will sum it up. Basically a vaccine was created using the tissue of aborted infants. Great! I was inoculated with aborted fetal DNA! My doctor sort of left that part out.
Would it surprise you to know that prior to the introduction of this MMR vaccine, which was produced using fetal cells, the rate of autism in the United States was 1 in 10,000? That percent has dramatically increased, coinciding with the state mandated vaccine. Another autism rise, occurred in 1995, when the chickenpox vaccine, also using aborted fetal cell lines was introduced in the US market that same year. Other countries, which introduced these aborted fetal vaccines, also showed a dramatic increase in the cases of autism.
Altogether, there are three vaccines which were produced solely from abortion and to date are: Chicken Pox - Hepatitis A - Rubella. Other abortion tainted vaccines are: Mumps - Measles - Poliovax.
The good news is, here is a list of the "UNTAINTED" vaccines being newly on the market, with phone numbers, which your doctor can call to order a single dose for you or your child. I would advise writing these numbers down, and having your doctor call before you or your child's next vaccination.
Polio Ipol or Orimune (Oral Dosage) Both are Untainted - call 1-800-822-2463
Rabies RabAvert - Untainted - call 1-800-244-7668
Mumps - MUMPSVAX - Untainted - call 1-800-422-9675
Measles - ATTENUVAX - Untainted - call 1-800-422-9675
Flu - Request your doctor to inoculate you with any of the new Flu vaccines being made by Aventis Pasteur and Wyeth Ayerest. These do not use aborted fetal tissue.
Most of the public is completely unaware of what is being injected into ourselves and our children today with vaccinations. It is our responsibility to educate ourselves and take the appropriate action to protect ourselves and our children, and the health of future generations. To start educating yourself, contact: The Campaign for Ethical Vaccines - - Or you can write to -
Children of God for Life, 2130 Catalina Dr., Clearwater, Florida 33764
Or call: (7247) 538-5558 or you can call Lake County Right to Life at 847-223-7022.
Time to Admit It: Trump Is a Great President. He’s Still Trying To Be a
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48 minutes ago
1 comment:
I really want to have the vaccines separated out, but unfortunately they are no longer being offered so my kids will not receive the MMR vaccine. I called both numbers above and was told right now the separate vaccines are not being offered.
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