Monday, April 13, 2009

Old Movies

Creepy? Yes! I just finished re-watching "The Boys From Brazil". Probably because I loved Gregory Peck and James Mason. However, I found disturbing, that cloning was a technique perfected in the movie, which was made in the 80's. For those of you not familiar with the movie, it deals with post World War II and the defeat of Nazism. Dr. Mengle, played by Gregory Peck, is alive and well and cloning little Hitlers. Preposterous you say? Not so. I believe cloning will be the next battle that the Right to Life movement faces. I wondered after the movie was over, how our country could be so naive? After all, cloning was the subject of this movie back in the 80's. The scientist in the movie describes the cloning technique, perfectly. Makes one wonder. Were they cloning back then, and we just didn't know about it?  The premise of the movie is that Hitler is cloned. 

The debate over embryonic stem-cell research and it's funding includes cloning. Horrors! What we knew in the 80's is coming true. 

On another movie, "Soylent Green" starring Charlton Heston and E.G. Robinson, more of my favorite actors, it's premise is coming true. This movie was popular in the 1970's and everyone who saw it, said, it could never happen. The premise of the movie is the perfection of a utilitarian society, in which suicide clinics exist. Now 40 years later, assisted suicide clinics are legally operating in Switzerland, and serve people from around the world.  

Enter Jack Kevorkian, who has assisted in the suicides of over 130 (mostly disabled people) would serve his time in prison and then run for Congress. Now enter, the Final Exit guides, a national organization, who were contacted to assist in the suicide of a depressed and disabled young man from Illinois, and they eagerly responded to the call. Their plans however were thwarted when the Feds unveiled the plot. But, this organization is alive and well and assisting people to commit suicide everywhere. 

Now, if movies aren't for you. Perhaps you'd like to re-read a best seller called  "Final Exit". This wonderful how to book has been used by many depressed people in order to commit suicide. Written by Derek Humphrey, unfortunately the techniques are liberally used and the book is widely read.  The book is available in most libraries. So whether you like movies or books, the pro-euthanasia, assisted suicide movement is making headway.  

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